It's a chilly winter morning, just arrived from halfway across the globe and its too early for hotel check-in. Its just fitting to go directly to St. Peter's Basilica.
The tranquil grounds of the Vatican City exudes the feeling of peace and lightness. Soon enough, it will be filled with people coming to church from different walks of life and tourists visiting from different parts of the world.
I come here often and its a rewarding experience everytime. There is always something to discover, something to understand, something to stimulate your thoughts making you realize a lot of things as you move along.
After paying homage and offering prayers, we climbed to the dome of St. Peter's Basilica. Rising 136.57 meters (about 41 storeys), it is the tallest dome in the world and is the most famous work of Renaissance architecture that was designed by Michelangelo in 1547. It is known to have been used as the model of other domes such as St. Paul's Cathedral, the Capitol, and Les Invalides.
A ticket is needed to get to the dome, you can find it at the "Biglietteria" on the right side of the basilica. It will take about 871 steps to the top. You can get the lift which will spare you of the first 320 steps and arrive to the roof, but you will definitely need to toil for the remaining. Trust me, its worth it. I did it in high heels. 😉
The dome is absolutely impressive. I marveled at its beauty thinking, How in the world were they able to create such magnificence from hundreds and hundreds of years ago, with unimaginable precision and artistic perfection? I tried to envision how it was when they were building this masterpiece, but I cannot even contain the thought. The least I can do is to acknowledge with great appreciation every single effort, blood, sweat, and tears of those involved in its creation.
The interior is adorned with mosaics of intricate details. Everything is so grand and massive. I don't even know how to properly describe it.
I probably earned bragging rights to have gone up, but I barely survived. Why? I have this absurd fear of confined spaces. I am a bit claustrophobic and just the thought of climbing the narrow 551 steps to the top was already daunting me. Still, gutsy as I am with a bunch of willpower and a tinge of strategy to overcome this phobic foolishness, I climbed and ran each time to the next possible window I can reach to grasp for air...
...until I came to the spiral staircase that led me to one of the best panoramic views on the globe which I will never forget in my entire existence - Roma! La Citta Eterna!!!
Below is a view of the Vatican grounds and the gardens that are not open to the general public. There is a tour to the Giardini Vaticani but is only for a limited number on certain schedules.
I had a great time above and didn't notice how time went by swiftly.
When we got down, it was almost noon and the crowd has gathered waiting for the Angelus. The Holy Father speaks to the people from his window overlooking St. Peter"s Square after the prayer.
It was a Sunday well spent and there is nothing more I could ask. I was in Rome, in good company, communed at St. Peter's Basilica, gone on top of the tallest dome in the world, and got lucky enough to see the Holy Father and receive His apostolic blessing.
I am so much grateful to God for everything. 😘
“Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.”- Thomas Goodwin